
La responsabilité sociale des InstaTrade est la façon dont nous voyons le travail d’une entreprise réelle moderne qui n’oublie pas simples principes humains, même en termes de concurrence sévère et une lutte intransigeante entre les participants au marché. Selon ces principes, la responsabilité sociale doit être un élément inaliénable de toute entreprise de grande envergure menée par les gens vivent en mesure de sentir que quelqu’un.

Nous ne visons pas à se faire un nom dominante ou initier une aide PR-campagne d’étendre aux nécessiteux. Société de soutien InstaTrade de plusieurs institutions de bienfaisance russes et étrangers n’est pas une tentative pour gagner la célébrité ou l’avance cote parmi les rivaux. Comme il a déjà été dit: la responsabilité sociale des InstaTrade est la façon dont nous voyons une société mise à jour et les principes de travail qu’il a à suivre.

DEPUIS quelques Années Déjà, les organisations de Bienfaisance de Plus En Plus et les Particuliers deviennent des Partenaires de la Société InstaTrade. La liste de des Organismes de Bienfaisance et des Bénévoles sérums constamment Mis à jour sur cette page Destinée à refléter le concept de Responsabilité sociale de Dans La Société InstaTrade. Of this Facon, BNO et supposons qu’il Aidons SOIT Nécessaire de Sauvegarder les institutions de Bienfaisance et des Personnes Qui simples donnent de l’ONU real Soutien à la médecine, l’éducation et Ceux Qui regler CES Problèmes sociaux.

InstaTrade helps Ronald McDonald Children’s Charities Fund of Malaysia
InstaTrade helps Ronald McDonald Children’s Charities Fund of Malaysia
Every year, 20,000 children are treated at USM Hospital in Kelantan state.
Most of the patients come from other states such as Terengganu and Pahang.
The way to the hospital takes more than 2 hours, and most children are from low-income families.
social responsibility
Moreover, the cost of treatment is high.

Parents cannot afford to visit their children constantly.

But in 2019, the problem of many families was solved.

At the USM Hospital in Kelantan, a comfortable house has been built for families of children who need treatment.

Now, parents and children can be together during therapy, which has a positive effect on the health of children.
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InstaTrade and Peduli Anak Foundation give hope for better tomorrow to children around the world
InstaTrade and Peduli Anak Foundation give hope for better tomorrow to children around the world
Millions of deprived and abandoned children across the world need medical support and protection from violence, exploitation, and poverty. For this reason, charity has become a common social phenomenon. Responding to the children’s needs is our chance to make a little miracle happen. What is most important is not to remain indifferent because together we can do a lot of good. social responsibility

Our company regularly participates in various charity events and projects that require financial aid and other forms of support. This time we chose to cooperate with Peduli Anak, an independent non-governmental organization which was founded in the Netherlands and expanded into Indonesia. For the past 15 years, the foundation has been working to improve the children’s lives and provide them not only with accommodation, but home comfort. Thousands of children receive education, medical help, and legal advice.

Peduli Anak is actively engaged in various projects across Indonesia. A large development center for children from low-income families has been built on Lombok Island. There are three orphanages, an elementary school, a kindergarten, a technical school, and a medical center.

Today, we can also feel our involvement in a good deed. We get a huge reward in the form of acknowledgement from the organization and feel good that our contribution helps children to recover and restore their ability to laugh again.

Thank you!
social responsibility
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CPOC foundation in Cambodia
CPOC foundation in Cambodia
Hello, I am Mr. Kim Ny, 36 years old, from Cambodia and my nationality is Cambodian. I am a disabled man who sits in a wheelchair all my life. My mother passed away when I was a baby. I don't know how beautiful her face was and did not play with her as a kid.  My father abandoned me when I was 1 and a half years old. Then I lived with my grandmother but she was blind and she did not have money to support me. My first sister was quite lucky as my uncle adopted her.

My second sister left school when she was 9 years old and then tried hard to make some money to feed me and my grandmother and take medical care of my grandmother.

The roof of the house where we lived was broken. We slept under the rain because the roof of the house was licking.

When I was young, I had difficulties to get to school. I went to school on my knees and my hands when the sun was burning, I also got under heavy rain in rainy seasons. I never had school uniform and school bag like other children. 

I created CPOC because I don't want to see children having hard life and sad life like when I was young. I want them to have enough food, good roof, go to school and live a healthy life.

The main reason of creation CPOC is that I want to give them good life now and gift bright future for their families. Now I rent a house to run the CPOC center project. In the future we plan to build the house for children, computer school, library, animal farm and vegetable farm, as well as university for poor student and cover their expenses for university fee.

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InstaTrade helps earthquake victims in Nepal
InstaTrade helps earthquake victims in Nepal
Currently the World Vision organization, along with other humanitarian institutions, takes part in relief efforts for the devastating earthquake that hit western Nepal on April 25, 2015. InstaTrade stepped in to support the victims and transferred money to the organization's fund as a charity.

The money that comes into the fund will be used to provide temporary shelters for those who had to leave their homes, as well as medical care, food supplies and access to clean water.

One of the most severe earthquakes in the past 80 years of 7.8 magnitude occurred in Nepal leaving almost 8 thousand people killed and over 16 thousand, injured. It nearly destroyed more than 288 thousand buildings in the country, another 254 thousand need emergency recovery. Today people from all over the world take an active part in fund raising to help the victims.

InstaTrade hopes that its contribution will help the citizens of Nepal recover from this terrible tragedy.social responsibility

World Vision is a religious non-profit organization aimed to provide aid and promote development worldwide, as well as fight poverty, hunger and injustice. Its regional UK office is a member of Disasters Emergency Committee.

Thank you!

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The Malaysian Red Crescent (MRC)
The Malaysian Red Crescent (MRC)
The Malaysian Red Crescent (MRC) is a voluntary humanitarian organization, contributing to the conservation of human values and to the prevention and softening of people’s sufferings. Also this organization helps people injured in natural disasters and military conflicts. The Malaysian Red Crescent, headquartered in Kuala Lumpur, is a part of the independent International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.

Red Crescent also supports people in peace time as branches of the first medical aid and as humanitarian programs. Members of the Red Crescent took an active part in the recovery operations after the flood in the northern Malaysia in 2010. They also corresponded to tsunami, occurred in the Indonesian province Aceh and in the Malaysian state Penang in 2004. MRC also provided emergency cover to victims in Palestine, Japan, Pakistan, Burma, and China.

Nowadays, Malaysian branch of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement reaches out to people to cope with the aftermath of the strongest flooding over the last 50 years that hit in the eastern and northern states of Malaysia. Siba, where the river Rajang overflew, was damaged most. Evacuation centers, which got refugees through, were deployed in the disaster area. Among the members of the organization there are young volunteers, who are students from schools and universities.

Following the moral laws and the humanitarian principles InstaTrade cannot stand aside when more than 400,000 people need support. Consequently, the company makes generous contribution to the MRC fund to mitigate and relieve suffering of the inundation victims on the Malaysian eastern shore.
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Nonprofit charitable organization “Wikimedia Foundation, Inc”
Nonprofit charitable organization “Wikimedia Foundation, Inc”
Wikimedia Foundation, Inc is a nonprofit charitable organization which supports spreading and development of free information, including the first free online encyclopedia Wikipedia. The project is targeted at collecting and evolvement of educational content, and its effective and global distribution. The foundation is fully supported by donations of individuals and organizations. social responsibility

Every day the main fund project Wikipedia free encyclopedia is visited by more than 12 million users. Wikimedia Foundation Inc. offers you an uninterrupted access to helpful and verified information that makes knowledge free and easily accessible. Year after year, the company continues providing its users with an opportunity to learn the accumulated experience of the mankind. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc and its global projects make enormous contribution to the development of the information dissemination and availability. Everyone, regardless of location, has a right to get the access to the checked source of information any time. The public online encyclopedia Wikipedia guarantees that.

Assistance and participation in social and charitable projects is one of the main InstaTrade principles of work. Helping those who need it and participating in social life of society make it possible to fit the civilized patterns of business, human morale and honor.

InstaTrade considers this project to be very important. Thus we were glad to answer to a request for help published by the founder of Wikipedia Jimmy Wales, and made a considerable donation.

InstaTrade believes that in the contemporary world everyone should have an open access to information.

Thank you!
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SOS Children's Villages
SOS Children's Villages
One of the largest charitable organizations SOS Children's Villages was established in Austria in 1949 for children, who had no families or relatives.

The peculiarity of the model used by SOS Children's Villages is maximal similarity to usual family life. Today about 500 SOS villages are located in more than 133 countries of the world where orphaned children have found their homes. social responsibility

SOS Children's Villages exists due to charitable contributions exclusively, supporting kids psychologically, educationally, and materially. New foster families help the children to adjust to living in society

As part of social responsibility project, InstaTrade supported one of the SOS children villages in Indonesia – SOS Village Semarang. There are 14 cottages in the village, every house is for one family with 6—8 children of preschool and school age, a mother (child minder) and an aunt (babysitter). The kindergarten is attended by about 90 children from the SOS village and neighboring towns.

Children go to public and private schools, then go to colleges with a possibility to live in youth hostels.

The main task of the organization is to take care of children, to preserve the idea of family and to attract the attention of society to problems of children who do not have biological families.
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Fonds mondial pour la Charité”
Fonds mondial pour la Charité”
Le fonds de charité pour enfants «Happy World» a été créé en Octobre 2005 dans la Fédération de Russie avec la mission de trouver une aide financière pour les enfants gravement malades et leurs familles. Le capital de la fondation est dirigée vers les enfants avec le but de les aider à surmonter le cancer, les maladies neurologiques, la paralysie cérébrale, l’épilepsie, ainsi que pour la réadaptation, le traitement médical, fauteuils roulants et autres équipements.
Des fonds sont également alloués à des proches par le biais d’une aide matérielle. Depuis la création, la fondation de bienfaisance a soutenu plus de 400 familles. Le fonds de charité “Happy World” rend également une aide financière aux centres médicaux pour l’achat de matériel pharmaceutique et médical.

La Fondation accepte les dons d’organismes privés et les établissements commerciaux. Des événements de charité sont également organisés pour attirer les fonds: concerts, soirées théâtre, des ventes aux enchères, expositions etc.

InstaTrade société est le partenaire de la fondation "Happy World» de bienfaisance et fournit un soutien financier à des patients gravement malades. Nous considérons qu’il est très important pour aider les enfants, comme cela peut être la seule chance pour eux de surmonter la maladie et de survivre.
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“La Fondation pour la Santé maternelle et infantile” (FMCH)</a>
“La Fondation pour la Santé maternelle et infantile” (FMCH)
La Fondation pour la Santé Maternelle et Infantile (FMCH) a commencé son activité à Jakarta (Indonésie) en 2001. Le fonds aide la population du pays, plus de la moitié vit en dessous du seuil de pauvreté. L’Indonésie est le plus grand pays musulman par sa population. Sur 17 000 îles y vivent plus de 250 millions de personnes. Dont environ 145 millions de personnes (52%) vivent sur ​​le dollar à moins de 2 USD par jour, et 35 millions de personnes (14%) - moins de 0,65 USD. 28% des enfants de moins de 5 ans souffrent de malnutrition constante; 20.000 décès se produisent en raison du travail non accompagnés ou les conséquences de celle-ci. Plus de 100.000 personnes dans le pays meurent de tuberculose chaque année, plus de 9000 personnes meurent du sida. Seulement 6% des habitants vivent à 65.
social responsibility
La Fondation, dont les employés sont des bénévoles, contribue à résoudre la tâche avant de l’Indonésie - la réduction de la pauvreté, c’est à dire qu’il est aux prises avec la malnutrition, le taux élevé de décès de mères, et le faible niveau d’éducation.

l’ FMCH en coopération avec les institutions médicales locales pour organiser des repas faibles des enfants mourir de faim. Souvent, les parents n’ont pas les moyens d’acheter des aliments sains pour les bébés alimentation correcte ». Même les normes d’hygiène simples ne sont pas observées qui conduit trop souvent les maladies et parfois même à la fatalité. Pour les enfants âgés de 3-6 éducation pré-scolaire est organisé où les enfants apprennent à bien parler, lire et compter, ainsi que pour analyser et raconter des textes. Il ya aussi un programme de bourses pour les élèves des écoles primaires. La Fondation aide à l’achat des manuels scolaires, des uniformes scolaires et papeterie.

Les mères suivent des cours qui constituent la base des soins de santé, d’hygiène et une bonne nutrition. Les femmes sont également formés artisanat différentes qui peuvent aider à augmenter le revenu familial, y compris les classes de couture. Il ya aussi un programme de prêts spéciaux pour les femmes qui souhaite acheter une machine à coudre. Programmes spéciaux de formation sont ouverts pour les travailleurs de la médecine et les enseignants des écoles.

Avec l’aide de moyens de la Fondation des centres d’éducation et de santé ont été ouverts. Dans les centres médicaux, les enfants sont examinés, et de recevoir des soins médicaux dans le temps des inondations, séismes et autres catastrophes naturelles, ainsi.

En conformité avec les principes de responsabilité sociale, la société InstaTrade est heureux d’aider cette fondation pour réaliser la mission collective de vaincre la pauvreté et l’relatives à des problèmes informatiques.

Pour plus d’informations, on peut download the presentation of the FMCH ou visitez son page officielle Facebook.
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La fondation du Titien
La fondation du Titien
Titien Foundation (TF) (le mot «Titien» désigne un «petit pont») a été créé par les bénévoles en 2006 sur les dons de personnes privées et des grandes entreprises à Jakarta avec le but de reconstruire Village Lamreh à Aceh qui a été détruit en 2004 tsunami. Après la reconstruction du village de la Fondation a poursuivi son activité de construction d’écoles, et en se concentrant sur l’aide aux enfants indonésiens issus de familles pauvres d’obtenir une bonne éducation.

L’éducation pour un moyen indonésienne de trouver un emploi bien rémunéré et donner à la famille du bon niveau de vie. Les autorités du fonds sont sûrs que l’acquisition de compétences professionnelles futures garanties de succès d’une personne et de la nation sur l’ensemble.

C’est pourquoi la fondation est missionné pour créer des conditions favorables pour éduquer les enfants et les adultes.

Aujourd’hui, les dons pour le fonds sont dépensés pour les différents programmes, notamment:
- construction d’écoles, bibliothèques, centres éducatifs et en fournissant des installations et ouvrages techniques;
- IT faisant des classes;
social responsibility - programmes de bourses;
- formation avancée pour les enseignants;
- organisant des cours et des séminaires pour adultes;
- soutenir la population souffrant de catastrophes naturelles.

La fondation organise des groupes de loisirs différents pour les écoliers, où les enfants sont pris en charge par les enseignants professionnels.

TIl fournit également des fonds d’un soutien matériel aux écoles où ils ont ouvert et ont un programme de bourses pour les enfants doués dont les familles ont pas d’argent pour les envoyer à l’école.

La fondation est dirigée par des bénévoles et 100% des dons reçus sont dirigés vers des projets.

Vous pouvez en savoir plus sur la Fondation du Titien et de son activité à leur official website or in social networks: FaceBook and Twitter
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AdVita Charitable Center of Hematology
AdVita Charitable Center of Hematology
St. Petersburg charitable foundation AdVita (i.e. for life) was established in 2002. The mission of the donation center AdVita is providing financial assistance to children and grownups suffering from cancer. The donations made to the fund are directed to treatment, rehabilitation, purchasing medicines and medical equipment, paying for medical services and difficult surgery.
social responsibility
AdVita is searching for donations in favour of those people who need urgent help, looking for blood and bone marrow donors, trying to cure as many patients as possible. Moreover, the charitable organization AdVita is employing volunteers who are tending to help ill people with no ability to cope with disease on their own.

InstaTrade international Trade broker generously renders financial assistance to the charitable organization AdVita, thus, attempting to provide healthy and happy future to children and adults fighting against cancer.

Thank you!
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Charitable Foundation - “GN-OTA”
Charitable Foundation - “GN-OTA”
The charitable foundation of GN-OTA movement was started by the government of Indonesia in co-operation with the national adoption movement GN-OTA (Gerakan Nasional Orang Tua Asuh – National Movement of Foster Parents) on May 29, 1999 in Jakarta. The foundation’s mission is to decrease the number of children who left school because of being unable to pay for education. Thus the main activity of the organization is providing financial support to children who need to obtain a 9-year basic education. The budget of the foundation consists of donations made by private bodies, social groups and non-governmental establishments and also by the government. The money is distributed among those children who need it in the form of targeted subsidies and scholarships for orphans, children with limited abilities and children from low-income families or one-parent families, aged between 7 to 15, so that they were able to purchase school supplies and books. The foundation co-operates with educational institutions that give the lists of the children who need help in order to study and pay for education. The application form for receiving scholarship can be submitted by every child in trouble.
social responsibility
In 1996 the Ministry of Social Affairs in Indonesia reported about 6 million children who left schools because of financial problems. In 2010 the indicator exceeded 13 million. Meanwhile annually about 60.000 children receive grants from the foundation.

You can find out more about the activity of the charitable foundation and possibilities to participate in their programme at the official website of GN-OTA.
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The Russian Aid Fund
The Russian Aid Fund
The Russian Aid Fund is one of the largest charitable foundations in Russia that accepts donations from private individuals and organizations in order to collect the amounts needed for treatment of seriously ill children. The Russian Aid Fund was established in 1996, among numerous awards it received the national award “Silver Key” in 2000.

The stories of children with dramatic diseases, who need direct aid, are published on the website of the fund, on other web-resources and printed in business publications, as well as appear on the radio. The fund co-operates with the major medical centres and hospitals of Russia, where the collected by the foundation money goes for curing the children with oncological diseases, congenital heart diseases, infantile cerebral paralysis, diabetes, unsoundness peripheral nervous system disorders, musculoskeletal disorders etc.
social responsibility
The Russian Aid Fund also holds aid campaigns during the periods of national and natural disasters and catastrophes, provides help to the families who suffered from terrorism and other emergency situations. The donations can be received by the children from Russia as well as from other CIS countries.

InstaTrade cares for lives of children with poor health represented in the fund and sincerely hopes that the financial assistance made to the foundation will change the children’s lives for the better.
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Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)
MSF (Médecins Sans Frontières) is an international independent medical humanitarian organization, which renders help to people, who have suffered from armed conflicts, epidemics and natural disasters. The organization MSF offers assistance to all people irrespective of their gender, race or religion and political views and adheres to the principles of medical ethics, loyalty, neutrality and objectiveness.

MSF was established in Paris in 1971 as non-commercial and self-regulated entity. The basic principles of its functioning are enclosed in the MSF Charter. Today MSF is a worldwide movement including 23 associations. The organization is 90% financed by private funds.

Thousands of medical as well as administrative professionals are working in MSF. The great majority of MSF medical workers are from the countries, where the organization is providing aid. All in all, people from 60 countries of the world are the team of MSF.
social responsibility
MSF are against the opinion that population of poor countries can only get low level of medical service, it tends to provide high quality of care after all patients. In 1999, when MSF was awarded Nobel Prize, the organization declared that the money which was received together with the award, will be spent for educational work concerning curing the illnesses spread in poor countries.

Recently, MSF pays much attention to the problems of citizens from countries of the third world, who live in slums without any medical services at all. For example, Bangladesh and its capital Dacca, where 80% of the population live in slums without clear water, electricity etc. MSF could not stay away from this severe problem, and in 2010 opened in the slum district Kamrangirchar of the Bangladesh capital Dacca a centre for health and nutrition, which has by now become home for 400,000 people. At the moment MSF continues working in this direction, helping people, who live in slums, to receive medical treatment. MSF is opening new centres not only in Bangladesh, but in other countries, where the issue of extremely low living standard is as much critical. You can find out more about the programs of MSF at the official website of the organization.

InstaTrade deems it its duty to help the organization Médecins Sans Frontières, and consequently, all people who are deprived of due medical care. Doing this we consider, that people of the poorest nations, who live in the countries involved in military actions, can obtain a chance to be healthy.
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Irina Mitina
Irina Mitina
Octobre 27, 2008 Irina Mitina a un accident de voiture et a obtenu un lésion du rachis graves, bris de paroi du cerveau, des blessures d’éclats de la moelle épinière. C’est-à-dire, les blessures fatales qui la privait de la possibilité de déplacer et contrôler les processus physiologiques de l’organisme. Pendant trois mois la vie d’Irina a été soutenue par un poumon artificiel dans la réanimation. Après une amélioration à court il ya eu thrombembolia qui a conduit à la réanimation à nouveau.
social responsibility
La femme qui a réussi à rester en vie était dirigée vers le centre de réadaptation pour personnes ayant des blessures au dos. Malgré que ce n’était pas exactement ce qu’elle avait besoin mais il n’y avait pas de fonds pour un traitement efficace à l’étranger. Irina n’a pas de père, après l’accident, sa mère l’a quitté, que ses amis et compatit aidaient en fonction de leurs lumières. Comptes bancaires de bienfaisance pour la réhabilitation des transferts de fonds ont été ouverts.

Irina a été persuadé de prendre part à Insta de beauté Miss Asia 2009 du concours, organisé par la Société InstaTrade. Grâce à un grand nombre de gens à ne pas indifférents ceux qui ont voté pour la femme, elle a pris la première place. Le prix de l’argent obtenu est devenu une contribution essentielle à son rétablissement. Plus de 2 ans se sont écoulés après l’accident et pour cette fois à cause de toutes les formations de jour et de volonté Ira peut reposer 10 minutes à la verticale, lever les mains des genoux pendant un moment, durcir les muscles des jambes et du ventre. Et c’est un processus vraiment énorme et la victoire effet.
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Inna Bidlingmayer
Inna Bidlingmayer
Inna est agée de 26 ans et elle a la maladie de Lyme qui s’est aggravé en raison des morcurent acariens encéphalitique . Ainsi, elle est privée de la possibilité d’organiser un mode de vie normal. En plus de son incapacité à travailler, Inna a beaucoup de difficultés dans la vie quotidienne, y compris la douleur incessante sur tout le corps qui est causée par les troubles du système nerveux. La maladie de Lyme a la capacité de déplacer et de contrôler le corps des procédés presque impossible. Les prévisions des médecins ne sont guère inspirants et son attitude générale est de pire en pire.
social responsibility
Les parents de son soutien n’ont aucune chance de l’aider car cela nécessite beaucoup les frais financiers. Maintenant elle vit avec son 6-ans fils, mère et grand-mère, dont le salaire, les paiements de pension et la pension alimentaire pour le fils sont dépensés pour des médicaments.

Le traitement médical est possible seulement à l’étranger, dans les dispensaires locaux uniquement Analgin peuvent être offerts. En vertu de la miséricorde d’autres personnes et, en particulier, la société InstaTrade, les fonds ont été soulevées et maintenant les négociations avec les cliniques en Allemagne, qui est prêt à s’attaquer au décès principale - acariens charge de Lyme-borreliose - sont tenues.
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