Posts Tagged ‘instaforex’

InstaForex international broker participated in ShowFx Asia financial exposition which took place in Jakarta in July 30-31, 2011. InstaForex booth which presented a wide range of services and offers as well as innovative technologies and projects attracted many guests. The company’s representatives were very glad to answer numerous questions of expo visitors about the company,… Read more

InstaForex international broker has launched a new website dedicated to “InstaForex Loprais Team“. Now you can learn more about the team, its glorious victories in large-scale contests, hard working days and leisure time on “”. The photos, video materials and topical news from breath-taking tournaments placed in the corresponding sections of the web-resource will take… Read more

On this holy day InstaForex Company takes a great pleasure in congratulating all Muslims on the beginning of the Ramadan month! We sincerely hope that this month will be the month of tolerance and respect for all of you, the month vanishing offence and quarrels, the month when everyone’s eyes shine with infinite kindness. We… Read more

26.07.2011 Post in Events

The Ecommerce Cub Glorifies the International Broker InstaForex One of the most famous online financial magazines The Ecommerce cast the totals of open voting among its users determining the winners in different categories. The Best Forex Broker 2010 Award was achieved by InstaForex which outstripped its rivals by a country mile at the voting. InstaForex… Read more

29.06.2011 Post in Interview

The contest “Rally FX-1“ is quite younger one, but with every time  conest’s turnover is gaining more and more! What is the secret of popularity and why it is so attractive for traders, you’ll find from the answers of a new winner – Wasit Agus Suranto: IFX: FX-1 Rally is a rather new contest arranged… Read more