ফরেক্স কৌতুক

ফরেক্স কৌতুক

Here you can find jokes, various friendly cartoons, and caricatures of current events in the world of economics. Moreover, descriptions of the pictures contain a lot of useful information.

Without humor, our life would become dismal, mundane, and tedious. Smile therapy puts people in a better mood and distracts them from unhappy situations, regardless of their interests, occupation, and profession. Any job, just like trading, requires a balance between business and leisure time. That is why we should remember to spend our free time with a smile and humor. But, if even when resting you can’t stop thinking about trading, this section will help you smile and look at trading from a funnier perspective.

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 Logic of an economist.
A party of economists was climbing in the Alps . After several hours they became hopelessly lost. One of them studied the map for some time, turning it up and down, sighting on distant landmarks, consulting his compass, and finally the sun.
Finally he said, ' OK see that big mountain over there?'
'Yes', answered the others eagerly.
'Well, according to the map, we're standing on top of it.'
এখন কথা বলতে পারবেন না?
আপনার প্রশ্ন জিজ্ঞাসা করুন চ্যাট.